Thursday, February 2, 2012

Lightning McQueen Decopage

A while back my son picked out a Cars magazine that was in comic strip form of the Pixar movie. As with any magazine that lands around began to get destroyed. I knew how much he loved it and how much he just loves McQueen! So I went around and picked up every remnant I could find, grabbed one of my blank canvases, and some Modge Podge. =) I dont have pictures of the process, but I have some of the end result.
Using a paint brush or sponge, brush Modge Podge onto canvas after cutting and selecting your pictures. Layer back and forth between the Modge Podge and the pictures.
I took a lot of the pictures and wrapped them around the edges of the canvas to use up as much space and have as little canvas visible as possible. I will probably still go back and fill in areas.

You could have your kids join with you or even do this as a project on their own if they're a little older. If they're younger they can help you pick their favorite pictures to use. This was a great way to make "Art" for T's room while recycling...or upcycling...something I already had literally laying around the house. =) Cant beat free art!!

Happy Creating!


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