Monday, February 6, 2012

Easy Morning Breakfast

For those of you, like me, that have kids and either no time or just take a while to really get going in the morning ( I would be the latter), breakfast for the kids can sometimes be a pain. I am sure I am definitely not the only person who has done this but I thought I would share it with you anyway.

On the rare occasions I actually can get myself to make things like pancakes, I'll make a huge batch or make silver dollar sized pancakes and freeze at least half of them in a zip lock bag. I have also done this with french toast. You could make them whenever you just have a few extra minutes free. The next morning I simply pop however many I need in the microwave for about a minute and ta-da! A cheaters way of a good homemade breakfast =) If you are doing this with french toast, you can put the slices in the toaster.

Here they are still frozen, they got eaten up too quickly to get an "after" shot. But they just look like normal pancakes.


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