Getting to Know Me


I'm Kelsey, 24 year old mother of three. They take up the vast majority of my time but the rest of the time I am creating in some way. Illuminations in Orbit is more or less a lifestyle blog, following my attempts to make this shot at life far more special, beautiful, fulfilling and meaningful.

I love to play around in the kitchen and make the yummies in * Dainty Chef *. I realized I was a "dainty" chef one night a month or two ago because I hate for my hands to get dirty! I will usually find anyway I can to avoid actually touching the ingredients themselves- especially meat! Another goal besides just making something delicious is to make it budget friendly and even Gluten Free when I can.

* Be You * is for encouragement, a little help in finding yourself and your inner beauty. The whole inner beauty thing may be over played for many people and by many people, but it is something that is incredibly near and dear to me so I do my best for it to not be the same run-of-the-mill things everyone else says.

* Family Love *is just little peaks into my life with the people I love =)

I've been "designing" since I was in elementary school. * Projects * is where I can share with you the things I've created so far. These are also things that I try to keep budget friendly. (Kids arent cheap! So you have to figure out other ways to stay fabulous!)

* Randomness * holds whatever has tickled my fancy that day, brought joy, or literally just something completely random.

Enjoy your look around I.i.O!! Please feel free to comment on my posts and ask questions via email ( )
